The way in which you design a printed circuit board makes a big difference to the overall EMC performance of the product which incorporates it. The principles outlined above must be carried through onto the PCB, particularly with regard to partitioning, interface layout and ground layout.
2. Noon Session
Essential Circuit Design for good, quick, EMC
Keith Armstrong
Good EMC design is quick and cost-effective SI, PI and EMC engineering. This Module contains many EM Engineering guidelines that should also be used in an initial design checklist. The subjects include:
EMC design for digital circuits
EMC design for analogue circuits
EMC design for communication circuits
3. Afternoon Session
Radiated immunity and ESD bench top characterization, troubleshooting and mitigation
Kenneth Wyatt
Many of the more challenging EMC issues tend to cycle endlessly between in-house trying of “fixes” and then failing again at the 3rd-party compliance test lab. This wastes time and money.
Learn easy ways to analyze and mitigate the top two EMC immunity issues and lower the risk of test failures during compliance testing.
We’ll discuss how to simulate radiated immunity failures and trace the path of ESD current, so intelligent mitigations can be applied - all on your own workbench!
4. Q & A Session
Min Zhang & Kenneth Wyatt
During this session, engineers will have the opportunity to engage in a detailed discussion with our EMC experts Ken and Min. They will delve into the essential EMC troubleshooting tools and skills necessary for effective problem-solving. This interactive discussion will provide a platform for engineers to ask questions, share experiences, and gain valuable insights from these experienced EMC professionals.